Papercup Engineering Blog


Moving our machine learning models to GKE

GKE is the new Victoria’s Secret. That’s where all the best models go. Ugh, why do I have to cringe at my own jokes… Moving on. Let me tell you about this kinda unique…

  • Astrid de Gasté
    Astrid de Gasté
5 min read

A Kernel of Truth

Let’s be honest. Machine learning appears to be producing astounding results at an absurd rate; reinforcement learning is being used to achieve super-human game-play…

  • Devang S Ram Mohan
    Devang S Ram Mohan
13 min read

Duck-typing in style with TypeScript and Tachyons

It can be challenging to set up a new project. You need to decide not only on the technologies to use, but also on what patterns will be utilised in the project…

  • Doniyor Ulmasov
    Doniyor Ulmasov
5 min read